About The Party
Function is currently the biggest Hungarian demoscene party, a 3-day computer-related event where creators and fans of underground digital art compare their skills, exchange experiences, thoughts, and socialize.
We welcome both the "oldskool souljahs" of the demoscene and the beginners. Don't be afraid if you don't know anyone yet.. Hungarian demoscene has always been a friendly bunch that's happy to see newcomers as much as the elite guys.
Over the years, we were lucky to host guests from all of Europe, Asia and from overseas, including demoscene veterans who haven't been attending parties for more than a decade!
See the invitation
If you're interested in this subset of computer technology which is mostly ignored by the public, then we'll be happy to see you at Function this year!
After party
DJs & Acts
We're happy to announce, that given the possibilities at the new party location, we've extended this year's musical program at Function.
On Friday we have Lesnik & Jacku with some lovely breaks and funky visuals as a warm up act, before the breakbeat massacre begins with dj sets from: DSH, H0ffman, Retroid
On Saturday Bacter will assist to our outdoor BBQ with some mellow housy vibes (hopefully the rain gods won't have anything against it :)) You can expect some stomping goa from Teo before the compos, and we'll keep up the rhythm rollin' with well known Spaceballer: Lug00ber after all the releases have been shown.
So bring your dancing shoes, and party till the breaks of dawn with us!






Lesnik & Jacku

Event Schedule
We can't let anyone in before
Friday 16:00
and everyone must leave the place until
Sunday 12:00.
All times are CEST (UTC+2).
Party opens
Opening ceremony
Friday Breaks: Lesnik & Jacku
Friday Breaks: DSH
Friday Breaks: H0ffman
Friday Breaks: Retroid
Game development and Music competition
Freestyle & Handdrawn Graphics and Photo competition
Making of 549NOTES.COM
The 256-byte intro for PC-DOS which plays 549 notes
for all other competitions
Chicken Police Presentation
game preview
Kolmogorov Toolbox Live Music Coding
Music competition
Outdoor BBQ with Bacter
Game development, Photo, Freestyle graphics, Handdrawn graphics
Psychedelic compo warmup with Teo
Componight part 1
Wild demo/Animation, Oldschool demo, 256byte intro
30 min break
Componight part 2
4kb intro, 64kb intro, Demo
Vote counting with Lug00ber
Voting deadline
Prizegiving ceremony
Party closes
Competitions are at the heart of every demoparty.
Whether you are competing or not, compo nights are always atmospheric, inspiring, and entertaining.
i9 5GHz, 32GB,
GTX 1080Ti, SSD, Win10
+ 060
Stock C64,
New SID, 1541/II
Please respect that and don't go over it, because it might result in your entry breaking.

Handdrawn graphics
Still images using any traditional handdrawn techniques, such as pixelling or freehand painting.
- If the graphic doesn't look handdrawn, it will be moved to the freestyle competition.
- The entry archive should include at least 3 phases or steps of the creation process.
- No animations are allowed.
- Only one picture per artist is allowed.
- Pictures will be shown using XNView, any format that it can display is allowed. (Lossless PNG is preferred.)

Freestyle graphics
Still images created by any tool or creation method available, such as photo retouching or 3D rendering.
- The entry archive should include at least 3 phases or steps of the creation process.
- No animations are allowed.
- Only one picture per artist is allowed.
- Pictures will be shown using XNView, any format that it can display is allowed. (Lossless PNG is preferred.)

The competition of camera-twiddlers!
- HDR and slight retouching is allowed (e.g. color correction and cropping), but the archive must in include the original, unretouched picture too, with EXIF information intact (or the original RAW file).
- Note: we will perform a quality preselection and only the best 15 photos will be shown at the compo! Please try to be original and creative - the Nth sunset and bug macro don't count as such.
- Only one picture per artist is allowed.
- Pictures will be shown using XNView, any format that it can display is allowed. (Lossless PNG is preferred.)

Musical entries created with either modern studio techniques or oldschool trackers.
- Playing time: 4 minutes. We'll fade out afterwards.
- Maximum size: 10 megabytes zipped
- Allowed streaming formats: MP3 and OGG. Also, please fill the ID3/OGGInfo fields if possible.
- Allowed tracked formats: XM, IT, S3M, MOD
- Only one song per artist is allowed.
- Replaying application: Winamp for streaming, XMPlay for tracked

You make it, you play it!
- Maximum size: 64 megabytes zipped
- The game must not write on the hard disk, only inside its own directory.
- The game should not have an installer!
- You'll get around 3-4 minutes to play and present your game during the compo, otherwise we will play instead of you (consider that a threat).

Wild / Animation
Entries which don't fit into any other category. Short films, rendered animations, Flash movies, machinima, alternative platform demos.
- Playing time: 10 minutes. We'll stop it afterwards.
- If your entry is a video file, please use common formats like MP4 / MKV / AVI containers with H.264 / DivX / XviD video and MP3 / AAC / uncompressed audio.
- If your entry is NOT a video file, consult the organizers before the deadline.
- Only one entry per artist is allowed.

256 byte
256 bytes of coder mayhem, get the most out of a quarter kilobyte.
- Playing time: ~1 minutes. We'll stop it afterwards or when the audience begs us.
- If possible, quit on a keypress, preferably ESC.
- The entry must be one single file, not larger than 256 bytes.
- The entry must not write on the hard drive.
- Entries will be run on the main PC compo machine, booted with the latest version of Rufus. This means no midi, no pc speaker, just plain FreeDOS.
- Or you can choose to run it from DosBOX-X or stable DosBOX 0.74 with your own .conf file.

4 kilobyte
4 kilobytes of visuals and sound packed together to create the ultimate coding challenge.
- Playing time: 5 minutes. We'll stop it afterwards.
- Entries must quit on ESC.
- The entry must be one single file, not larger than 4096 bytes.
- The entry must not write on the hard drive permanently.
- Usage of the most recent, Win7-10 compatible Crinkler is recommended.
- You can include a safe mode EXE in the archive, but if the compressed version of the intro doesn't run, we won't show the larger version.

64 kilobyte
Minuscule demos providing endless possibilities to show off in music, code and graphics.
- Playing time: 10 minutes. We'll stop it afterwards.
- Entries must quit on ESC.
- The entry must be one single file, not larger than 65536 bytes.
- The entry must not write on the hard drive permanently.
- The usage of kkrunchy is highly recommended.

Blast from the past! The demo compo for all kinds of oldschool platforms.
- Entries must run on platforms that are from 1995 or before, including C64, Amiga, vintage consoles, and DOS-based PCs, to name a few.
- Must not be a simple animation player.
- Playing time: 10 minutes. We'll stop it afterwards.
- If your entry is NOT running on Amiga or C64, please contact us in advance to work out the details.
- Hardware expansions are allowed but contact us with any special needs.
Event Location
This year we moved to a new and awesome location
Main entrance
1095 Budapest, Soroksári Str 164.
Secondary entrance
1095 Budapest, Gubacsi street 97.
Party and Compo Rules
Party rules
Alcohol is allowed, but...
Alcohol consumption is allowed, but please be reasonable, overconsumption might ruin your own and others' fun as well. Any type of damage or offense caused due to that will not be tolerated and will result in the removal from the party.
No drugs
Consumption and circulation of other drugs at the party place is strictly forbidden, and will result in immediate expulsion from the party.
Smoking outside
Smoking is only allowed outside.
If any damage
Any type of damage will be forced to be paid by the culprit! If the person is unknown, we'll have to deduct the price from the party budget, which might endanger the future parties and the cooperation with the partyplace owners! Please take this very seriously.
Kitchen equipment
Connecting kitchen equipment to the power network is forbidden. If this causes a power outage, you'll be held responsible by all the unhappy people...
Anything you bring
Organizers are not responsible for any equipment at the party, anything you bring is your responsibility. Luckily we haven't had damage or theft at parties since a while now, and we'd like that to continue so.
Videotape or photograph
By visiting our event you implicitly agree to be videotaped or photographed. For your information, we will also have an internet stream, which will be recorded and later published on well known video streaming sites. Furthermore, many of the visitors will create their own photos and record videos, and the location is also equipped with security cameras. That said, when taking videos or photos we kindly ask you to be considerate about the privacy of others.
Compo rules
Local upload and remote entries
Productions can be entered on-location by uploading them via the party network.
Remote contributions via e-mail are allowed, but we won't safe-keep your prizes, if no one picks it up during the prizegiving. -
Removed entries
The organizers reserve the right to remove entries from competitions. These entries won't be shown, won't be spread and won't be votable. In individual competitions this usually means preselection to avoid a huge amount of entries to be presented, in other competitions it solely means quality control and eventual compatibility problems. If your entry doesn't run on the compo machine, we'll do our best to help you to get it running though.
Merged competitions
The organizers also reserve the right to merge competitions together if there are not enough entries.
Previously unreleased
Previously released material is not allowed. Covers, remixes and derivative works can only be entered with the consent of the original author.
Must be packed with FILE_ID.DIZ
The compo entry must be packed together with either ZIP or RAR (or the best packer on that given platform). We will not accept unpacked entries, and we will not pack your entry for you.
For every entry we'd like to ask to include a FILE_ID.DIZ (a simple text file) in the archive, containing the prod's name and author, optionally the compo and party. (Note: Traditionally FILE_ID.DIZ's are 40 characters wide at most.) -
Latest DirectX
For PC compos, the latest DirectX end-user runtime will be installed on the compo machine.
Your works will be uploaded
By entering, you also agree on having your works uploaded to our website after the party and to various larger demoscene FTP servers (scene.org)
Ticket prices include taxes and can be purchased on the party.
Normal ticket
4000 Ft
- 13 eur
- voting key
- free pancakes
- you can dance if you want
- chance to view the competitions
Supporter ticket
15000 Ft
- 50 eur
- voting key
- free pancakes
- you can dance if you want
- chance to view the competitions
Friday night ticket
2000 Ft
- 7 eur
- dance only
- no pancakes
- without voting key
- no chance to view the competitions
There's a total of {{ app.visitors.length }} visitors and {{ app.visitorProds.count }} productions registered from {{ app.visitorCountries.length }} different countries.